Wanlu Deng

Wanlu Deng

Associate Professor

Office: Room 203C, Weiqing Building, Tsinghua University

Phone: +86-10-62790581

Email: wanludeng@tsinghua.edu.cn

Research Interest

Graphical models, causal inferences, Bayesian networks, neuroimaging data analysis


Wang S, Isbell F, Deng W, et al. (2021) How complementarity and selection affect the relationship between ecosystem functioning and stability. Ecology. Mar:e03347. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3347.

Deng W, Rolls ET, Ji X, et al. (2017) Separate neural systems for behavioral change and for emotional responses to failure during behavioral inhibition. Human Brain Mapping, 38(7), 3527-3537.

Deng W, Geng Z, Li H. (2013) Learning local directed acyclic graphs based on multivariate time series data. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 7(3), 1663-1683.
Deng W, Geng Z, Luo P. (2013) Identifiability of Intermediate Variables on Causal Paths. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 8(3), 517-539.



Elementary Probability Theory

Multivariate Statistical Analysis

Introduction to Bayesian Statistics

Introduction to Causal Inference


Bayesian Methods for Statistical Inference

Casual Inference and Graphical Models