Lijian Yang

Lijian Yang


Research Areas:Statistical inference for time series data, functional data, high dimensional data and sample survey data, especially the theory and methodology of oracally efficient estimation and simultaneous confidence region; Applications of statistics in econometrics, finance, agronomy, food science, geography,genetics, neuroscience and management science

Office: Room 203-A, Weiqing Building, Tsinghua University

Phone: +86-10-62780097


  • M.S. in Statistics (1993),Ph.D. in Statistics (1995), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • B.S. in Mathematics (1987), Peking University
  • Tenured Full Professor, Center for Statistical Scienceand Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University (2016-)
  • Specially-Appointed Professor and Director, Center for Advanced Statistics and Econometrics Research, Soochow University (2011-16)
  • Assistant Professor (1997-2001), Tenured Associate Professor (2001-06), Tenured Full Professor (2006-14), Graduate Director (2007-10), Department of Statistics and Probability, Michigan State University
  • Postdoc, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (1995-97),
  • Jiangsu Specially-Appointed Professor, Jiangsu Leading Creative and Entrepreneurial Talents (2011-14)
  • Tjalling C Koopmans Econometric Theory Prize, Yale University Press (2003)
  • ASA Elected Fellow
  • IMS Elected Fellow
  • ISI Elected Member
  • IETI Distinguished Fellow

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