






  • 德克萨斯A&M大学统计学博士
  • 哥伦比亚大学博士后(2018-2020)
  • 清华大学统计学研究中心助理教授(2020-)



(* indicates corresponding author)

  1. Wang, T.*, Ionita-Laza, I., and Wei, Y. (2022). “Integrated Quantile RAnk Test (iQRAT) for gene-level associations”. Annals of Applied Statistics, 16 (3) 1423 - 1444.
  2. Wang, T., Ling, W., Plantinga, A., Wu, M., and Zhan, X. (2022). “Testing microbiome association using integrated quantile regression models”. Bioinformatics, 38(2), 419-425.
  3. Houghton, L. C., Wei, Y., Wang, T., Goldberg, M., Paniagua-Avila, A., Sweeden, R. L., Bradbury, A., Daly, M., Schwartz, L. A., Keegan, T., John, E. M., Knight, J. A., Andrulis, I. L., Buys, S. S., Frost, C. J., O’Toole, K., White, M. L., Chung, W. K., and Terry, M. B. (2022). “Body mass index rebound and pubertal timing in girls with and without a family history of breast cancer: the LEGACY girls study”. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2022 Feb 14:dyac021. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyac021. PMID: 35157067.
  4. Wang, T.* and Asher, A. (2021). “Improved semiparametric analysis of polygenic gene-environment interactions in case-control studies”. Statistics in Biosciences, 13, 386–401.
  5. Gaynanova, I. and Wang, T. (2019). “Sparse quadratic classification rules via linear dimension reduction”. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 169, 278-299.
  6. Blas Achic, B.#, Wang, T. #, Su, Y., Kipnis, V., Dodd, K. and Carroll, R. J. (2018). “Categorizing a Continuous Predictor Subject to Measurement Error”. Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 12, No. 2, 4032-4056. ( # joint first authors).
  7. Li, H., Staudenmayer, J., Wang, T., Keadle, S. K., and Carroll, R. J. (2018). “Three‐part joint modeling methods for complex functional data mixed with zero‐and‐one–inflated proportions and zero‐inflated continuous outcomes with skewness”. Statistics in medicine, 37(4), 611-626.
  8. Johnson, V., Payne, R., Wang, T., Asher, A. and Mandal, S. (2017). “On the reproducibility of psychological science”. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112.517: 1-10.
  9. Wang, T., Yang, Y. and Tian, M. (2017). “Tuning Parameter Selection in Adaptive LASSO for Quantile Regression with Penal Data”. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management, 36(3): 429– 440.
  10. Yin, J., Wang, T., and Wang, W. (2017). “Structure learning and parameter estimation on robust conditional graphical model”. China Science Paper, 12(17): 1921-1929.